18+ Video: Watch As This Prostitutes Beats Newly Intake Prostitute Over Price Reduction During Covid-19 Pandemic

A group Of ashawo girls has beaten up one of their friends who has reduced her price if service due to low patronage.

 Her friends are bitter as she’s is the only one who has been picked up by customers for room services daily.
The most annoying of all is that she’s also new in the business.

Further information gathered from a twitter user explained further that, the girl who has been beaten only came to stay with her friends as she can no longer stay in their hotel she had lodged in due to the lockdown directives that hotels and guesthouses have followed.

it’s clear that these wild prostitutes are Ghanaians as they speak Ghanaian indigenous language Twi in their fight. Even though other friends of one of them tried to stop the most bitter one, she has no intention of stopping.

Listening to the background sound of the video they discussed how she was earlier disciplined by her other colleagues for snatching their customers with lower prices for services.

Below is the video of how the poor ashawo has been disciplined.

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