Famous Celebrities That Most People Never Knew They Are Homosexual

In my findings and research with co-operate bodies' assistance, we have deduced and brought to our resulting record of the fact there has been lots of Actors and Actresses that has always been Homosexual.

We like to discuss celebrities’ works. But their private lives are what we are really interested in. And, no wonder, we always chase for the details of their love affairs. We want to know who their partners are! Just recently you may be shocked when you discover an actor has passion in another actor, an actress is dating a woman and so on. But nowadays homosexuality has already become an ordinary phenomenon and our attitude to homo-oriented persons shall not differ from an attitude to heterosexual ones.


  1. Ian McKellen is the one who prefers a man as his partner. His sexual orientation has been formed a long ago. At times when to be different was against the law, he kept his secret for himself. But then the legislation changed. So, in 2010 he openly demonstrated his right to be different. Well, we should admit, his difference doesn’t make his acting poor or unconvincing. Recall, for example, his Gandalf role.



2. Can you ever think Raven, The Cosby Show’ actress, is a lesbian? Of course, no one knew about the real sexual interests of this star in the 90s, when they broadcast the show. And, of course, no one knew about this when she was acting for the Disney Channel. But she already had her gay orientation when she came to The Cosby Show because she discovered this side of her when she was just 12 years old.

3. By time to time, Ellen Page gave all us some hints of her difference, but we didn’t know this for certain. And in 2014 in Las Vegas, she revealed the truth about herself. Since then, all producers were hunting her to get her in their picture. It became a trend to invite gays for gay roles. And maybe this is a good decision as characters resemble really homosexual personalities due to the nature of the person who plays the role.



4. Wentworth Miller’s passions, despite his brutal image and his no less brutal roles, are all of the same gender. Of course, this has nothing in common with his acting for Prison break. It was deep in his nature all along, but until t Film Festival in Saint Petersburg was over, he has never shown his true self. Maybe he just wanted to secure his image in the eyes of Russian authorities.

5. Since 1997 all of us have known Ellen De Genres is a lesbian. But when eight years ago she developed strong love relationships with Portia Di Rossi, the couple tried to conceal it. So, for a while, the wide auditory wasn’t aware Portia Di Rossi was a part of LGBT society. However, a tabloid press managed to catch this couple. By the way, if you suppose Ellen plays a male role in their relationships, you are right.



6. To succeed in her carrier, Queen Latifah didn’t pay much attention to the love-related aspect of her life. And though she still didn’t reveal her sexual preferences to the world, she is rumored to be different. As one of proves, we can bring here is the fact that she hosted 33 homo-sexual weddings in 2014. We assume she might discover her homo-sexuality in 1995, when a man has stolen her car and got disappointed in male gender.

7. When Jillian Michaels was just 18 years old, she met a girl who, to her own shock, has changed her live. Jillian discovered she has a great love for girls. She understood men’s touches didn’t arouse any sexual feelings inside her, but so did a physical contact with a woman. As it is associated with many of gay celebrities, she revealed her difference just in 2010.



8. The role of a gay Mitchell Pritchett that Jesse Tyler Ferguson played in “Modern Family” made the audience to suspect homo-sexual interests of his own. But the truth is he got this role because he was already known as a men-lover. He told his parents the truth when he was 17. However, they can’t believe this, and he has to repeat his confession when he was 19 years old and when he was 21. Maybe this family has a bad fate, but the Ferguson’s sister is also not stright.

9. In 2013 Sam Smith released his joint hit with Naughty Boy. And it was the time he began to reveal his gay nature, though not declaring this yet. However, in 2014 Sam openly announced his different love religion. Just look at the pics of Sam and his partner Jonathan Zeizel that he posted on Instagram. And you will see how devoted Sam was to Jonathan.



10. Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka is a happy homo-sexual couple. And the secret of their happiness lays not only in their love for each other, but in their devotion for their lovely kids. Six years ago Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka hired a surrogate mother to bear them their children. Yes, they do it showing and proving that not only male-female families have the right to raise children!

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