Recent Updated Pictures Of The Woman Who Married A Dog


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Marriage is a beautiful thing. It is a union of two people coming together to become husband and wife. It is a time of celebration and happiness for the two parties involved. It is very common to see a man get married to a lady but it is rare to see a lady get married to a dog.

Some of us would remember Elizabeth Hoad. Elizabeth got married to her dog in 2019.

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The marriage ceremony was live in TV. Elizabeth gave a reason for her marriage to her dog. She made known that she faced a lot of disappointment and breakups from previous relationship with men. She said she had 4 failed engagement and 220 dates which didn't work. They are referred to as " Hound and wife" by some people.

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The name of the dog that Elizabeth Married is Logan. Logan was dressed for the marriage in 2019. Elizabeth made known that the dog saved her life in various ways.

See more pictures of her and the dog

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